Choose Your Eurolink
Freight Speed
With three freight options, you can decide whether you want your shipment FAST, FASTER, or FASTEST based on your timeline and budget. Eurolink freight options include:

Which Metric Fastener Shipment Is Best For You?
The Eurolink sales team is happy to help you, our customer, determine which of our freight options is most advantageous for your project requirements. Please contact your sales representative or read below for our weekly and monthly order deadlines.
FAST Fastener Delivery to You in Approximately 7-8 Weeks.
Every month, Eurolink consolidates one freight shipment from our Germany facility for sea freight. Generally, order deadlines fall around the middle of the month for that month’s shipment that will be scheduled to arrive at our U.S. facility prior to the end of the next month. Order deadlines are by 4 p.m. EST on the final ordering day of the month.
Sea Freight Arrival Time to Eurolink’s
U.S. Facility:
Arrival to our U.S. facility within 7-8 weeks once the monthly consolidated shipment leaves Europe.
Sea Freight Delivery Time
to Customer:
In most cases, Eurolink ships all delivered goods to our customers within 1 week of arrival at our U.S. facility.
This shipment option is extremely affordable for those who have the time to wait for this FAST delivery. Our Eurolink sales team normally includes sea freight pricing on all of our metric fastener quotes.
FASTER Fastener Delivery to You in Approximately 1-2 Weeks
Every Wednesday, Eurolink consolidates one freight shipment from our Germany facility for air freight. To get in on these weekly air freight shipments, you’ll need to place your order by 4 p.m. EST each Tuesday.
Air Freight Arrival Time to Eurolink’s
U.S. Facility:
Arrival to our U.S. facility within 1-2 weeks once the weekly consolidated shipment leaves Europe.
Air Freight Delivery Time
to Customer:
In most cases, Eurolink ships all delivered goods to our customers within 24-48 hours of arrival to our U.S. facility.
This shipment option does cost a bit more but offers a much FASTER delivery. Our Eurolink sales team normally includes air freight pricing on all of our metric fastener quotes.
FASTEST Fastener Delivery to You in Approximately 1 Week
Express air freight orders normally ship from our European partners within 24-48 hours after a customer’s order is placed with us, and it arrives at our U.S facility approx. 1 week later.
Air Freight Arrival Time to Eurolink’s
U.S. Facility:
Arrival to our U.S. facility within 3-5 business days once the weekly consolidated shipment leaves Europe.
Air Freight Delivery Time
to Customer:
In most cases, Eurolink ships all delivered goods to our customers on the same day of arrival to our U.S. facility.
Due to the higher cost involved, and the fact that it’s not used daily, we normally only quote this FASTEST express freight option upon requests. Therefore, you won’t see this option on our standard metric fastener quotes. Please reach out to your Eurolink sales representative to request to have this shipping option included in your next quote.
request a quote
Our customer support team will review your request and get back to you quickly.