Comparing DIN and ISO Clevis Pins (DIN 1434, 1443, 1444 and ISO 2340, 2341)
- Viewers will learn the DIN/ISO standardization differences between the DIN Clevis Pins (DIN 1434, DIN 1443 and DIN 1444) and the ISO Clevis Pins (ISO 2340 and ISO 2341)
Essential Questions:
- Are there any differences in the DIN and ISO standardizations of the clevis pin?
DIN 1434 -> No Replacement
DIN 1443 -> ISO 2340 (EN 22340)
DIN 1444 -> ISO 2341 (EN 22341)
Lesson Plan:
Engage (30 sec)
Welcome back to Eurolink’s Metric Fastener Standards Comparison VLOG series! This is episode 14 of our series and today we will be getting skinny with the hexagon thing nut.
As you can see, I am now working at home. I called it last week! I assumed with the way things were progressing that I would be at home soon. We will see if my other predictions come true (i.e. my wife yelling my name or the dog jumping up in my lap).
I’m wearing my official WFH gear, as you can see I’m in the pajamas with the beanie (the downstairs of my house is always a bit chilly).
As you can see I’m working from my makeshift desk in the dining room. My wife is a clinical mental health therapist, so it is necessary for privacy reasons that she have the office. If y’all have been watching my videos, I’m sure y’all can tell why I needed to marry a therapist… I think I may be the topic of some psychology journal article at some point…
Well, today’s topic is about clevis pins. So, let’s get crazy about pins.
By the way, I looked up the definition of a pinhead, and in addition to literally being the head of a pin, it is also a foolish or stupid person. So, don’t be a pinhead and learn your pins! Here we go…
Explain (2 min)
- This one is actually fairly straight forward (unlike my last video, which, to keep brief, didn’t even hit everything about the topic – i.e. my complimentary blog post that went out last week)
- Let’s start with the different pins by their DIN in general.
- DIN 1434 is a clevis pin with a small head
- DIN 1443 is a clevis pin without a head
- DIN 1444 is a clevis pin with a head (presumably “normal” size)
- DIN 1434’s standard was withdrawn but not replaced with a DIN or EN standard.
- DIN 1443 and DIN 1444, so the clevis pins without the head and with the normal sized head, have been withdrawn and replaced by ISO/EN standards that only have minor changes, therefore DIN 1443 and DIN 1444 are considered interchangeable with ISO 2340 and ISO 2341 respectively.
- From what I understand from the most recent version of the ISO standard, Type A and Type B are still relevant, but based on sourcing, Type B is the “standard” (or “go-to”) type for the ISOs.
- To be clear, Type A is without the pin hole and Type B is with the pin hole.
- The actual dimensions between DIN 1443 and DIN 1444 and their ISO counterparts (are the same, which is why they are considered interchangeable).
The differences lie in the standards themselves, with the ISO EN standards (i.e. ISO 2340 or EN 22340 and ISO 2341 or EN 22341) having a defined range of commercial lengths for each diameter and having a defined hardness range of 125 to 245 HV.d
Extend (30 sec)
- So, that’s it for today! Simple enough for a pinhead, like myself, to get in one go!
- As a review
- DIN 1434 (clevis pin with small head) was withdrawn without replacement
- DIN 1443 (clevis pin with no head) = ISO 2340 = EN 22340
- DIN 1444 (clevis pin with “normal” head) = ISO 2341 = EN 22341
- DIN 1443 and DIN 1444 are interchangeable with their ISO counterparts, ISO 2340 and ISO 2341, respectively.
- The difference between the standards is not one of dimension, but one of standardization itself, with the ISO standards having a defined range of standard commercial lengths and a defined range for the hardness.
- The defined range of hardness for the ISO clevis pins is 125 to 245HV.
As always, please feel free to send any questions, comments, or (of course) requests for quotes to me at london@eurolinkfss.com or your respective inside sales rep and check out our website eurolinkfss.com/vlog for all of our metric fastener comparison videos!
- See you guys next time and don’t forget wash your hands!
Date: 4/2/20
Metric Fastener Standards Comparison
About the Instructor:
London Penland, ex-teacher, tutor and educational non-profit leader and current business development director for Eurolink Fastener Supply Service and Social Chair/Educational Director for Young Fastener Professionals, empowers sales reps, purchasing agents and sourcing agents with researched industry-specific educational videos and articles. Click here https://eurolinkfss.com/vlog/ to see all of London’s VLOGs and gain access to download his lesson plans.