London Penland on DIN 417, 438, 551 and 553 Slotted Set Screws

Comparing Slotted Set Screws DIN 417, 438, 551 and 553

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DIN 417, 438, 551 and 553 Slotted Set Screws: A Comparison

  • Viewers will learn the DIN/ISO standardization differences between the various types slotted set screws.
  • Viewers will learn about the differences between the four major slotted set screws.
Essential Questions:
  • What are the four major types of slotted set screws?
  • Is there a difference between the DIN and ISO versions of the slotted set screws?
  • DIN 417 -> ISO 7435 (DIN EN 27435), DIN 438 -> ISO 7436 (DIN EN 27436), DIN 551 -> ISO 4766 (DIN EN 24766), DIN 553 -> ISO 7434 (DIN EN 27434)
Lesson Plan:

Engage (30 sec)

  • Welcome back to Eurolink’s Metric Fastener Standards Comparison VLOG series! This is episode 11 and today we are continuing with our set screw series!
  • So last time, I made an announcement about our prizes for customer feedback survey participation and customer appreciation, which are two separate things. This is still true, but I did make a mistake about the gifts. In a way, they are actually even better than what I originally announced. More information on that at the end of the video.
  • Also, last episode, we discussed the hexagon socket set screws.
  • Today we will be discussed the slotted socket set screws.
  • Like last time, there isn’t a tremendous difference between the DIN or ISO standards, but unlike last time the DIN standards have actually been replaced with DIN EN standards as well (so these things have like 3 standards calling out for the same thing), so I’ll educate you guys on those and dig into those minor differences a bit.
  • Let’s get started…

Explain (2 min)

  • So like DIN 915, DIN 417 is a set screw (technically also called a threaded pin) with a dog point (also called a peg). DIN 417 has been replaced with ISO 7435 and DIN EN 27435, therefore DIN 417, ISO 7435 and DIN EN 27435 all call for a slotted set screw with dog point.
  • Unlike their DIN 915 counterpart, DIN 417 does not have a standard calling for half or full dog points (essentially, they are only full dog point).
  • Like DIN 916, DIN 438 is a set screw with a cup point and DIN 438 has been replaced with ISO 7436 and DIN EN 27436, therefore DIN 438, ISO 7436 and DIN EN 27436 all call for a slotted set screw with cup point.
  • Similar to DIN 913, DIN 551 is a set screw with a flat point. DIN 551 has been replaced with ISO 4766 and DIN EN 24766 (you guys starting to see a pattern between the ISO and DIN EN yet?), therefore DIN 551 ISO 4766 and DIN EN 24766 all call for a slotted set screw with flat point.
  • Finally, as is DIN 914, DIN 553 is a set screw with a cone point. DIN 553 has been replaced with ISO 7434 and DIN EN 27434, therefore DIN 553, ISO 7434 and DIN EN 27434 all call for a slotted set screw with a cone point.
  • Unlike DIN 913, 914, 915 and 916 which, if you remember from our last episode came in 45H steel or the ISO versions came in A2 and A4 stainless steel , our slotted set screws (ISO 7435, ISO 7436, ISO 4766, and ISO 7434) come in 2 types of steel, 14H or 22H, and only 1 type of stainless steel, which is A1-50, but they all still hold that 6g thread tolerance.

Extend (30 sec)

  • So, that’s it for today!
  • As a review, DIN 417, 438, 551 and 553 are all slotted drives
    • DIN 417 = ISO 7435 = full dog point only
    • DIN 438 = ISO 7436 = cup point
    • DIN 551 = ISO 4766 = flat point
    • DIN 553 = ISO 7434 = cone point
    • And, unlike the hexagon socket set screws, the slotted set screws come in 14 or 22H steel and only A1-50 stainless steel.
  • As always, please feel free to send any questions, comments, or (of course) requests for quotes to me at or your respective inside sales rep and check out our website for all of our metric fastener comparison videos!
  • And as promised, the information on the giveaways. I had it a bit backwards last time. We are going to give away twenty $20 amazon gift cards to participants of our customer feedback survey, so now the prize isn’t as big but you are much more likely to get one and for the customer appreciation gifts as we celebrate our 20th year anniversary in 2020, we will be doing monthly drawings for some relatively big ticket items, which we will announce each month in our monthly newsletters, so be on the look out for those!
  • Until next time, have a blessed week!

Date: 2/5/20

Metric Fastener Standards Comparison

About the Instructor:
London Penland, ex-teacher, tutor and educational non-profit leader and current business development director for Eurolink Fastener Supply Service and Social Chair/Educational Director for Young Fastener Professionals, empowers sales reps, purchasing agents and sourcing agents with researched industry-specific educational videos and articles. Click here to see all of London’s VLOGs and gain access to download his lesson plans.